Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A little about us...

Im gonna start by telling you guys a little about us...

 Im a Pastry Chef!! Studied in Argentina and I had the amazing opportunity to work at the "Four Seasond Buenos Aires-Argentina", The "George V Four Seasons - Paris" , "En el nombre del Postre- Argentina" and "La bomboniere- Lima-Peru"

Voy a comenzar por contarles un poco sobre nosotras...

Tuve la suerte de irme a estudiar a la argentina... hice la carrera de PASTELERA PROFESIONAL, ADMINISTRACION HOTELERA Y PROFESIONAL GASTRONOMICO. Hice algunas pasantias como: "Four Seasond Buenos Aires-Argentina",  "George V Four Seasons - Paris" , "En el nombre del Postre- Argentina" & "La bomboniere- Lima-Peru". Realmente experiencias maravillosas

Afer all this travelling, it was finally time to come home. Im from Ecuador and almost a year and a half ago I started a Pastry Business with my sister. She is very young and has a one year old little boy. Pastry has been in our family since forever, and even though she studies something with education , her love for pastry and her need to support her child has brought us together to start CHOKOLAT PATISSERIE.

Finalmente despues de tanto recorrido me toco regresar al Ecuador  y con mi hermana montamos un negocio de Catering de Pasteleria. Se llama CHOKOLAT PATISSERIE! Comenzamos en el 2009 y verdaderamente nos ha ido muy bien. Hacemos pasteleria para eventos y ya la gente nos ha comenzado a conocer.

Ahora ha llegado el momento de agrandarnos, la casa de nuestros papas donde trabajamos se nos quedo chica, asi que este ano hemos decidido crecer. Vamos a mudarnos y abrir una patisserie. Asi que les contare sobre este emocionante recorrido!!

We started as a catering company from our parets house, and now we´ve decided its time to move and expand so I invite you join us in this exciting journey we are about to begin ...

Ps... Im a little new in the blog world lol... so try to have a little patience while I get the hang of it.

1 comment:

  1. hello, just passing by...very nice, everything seems so good!
    read your message on the cakes in the city blog (i love it too) and just wanted to answer your question: when we say 1càc it means 1cuillère à café (one tea spoon i think, the spoon we use to eat desserts) and 1càs is 1 cuillère à soupe (spoon used to eat soup, about 3or4 càc).
    Have a nice day!
